
Ventilator Waveforms, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) Pulmonary & Critical Care Fellowship (2025)

Representative Comments: 

  • "Excellent lecture, we would appreciate repeated lectures on ventilators including the basics as we still find some deficiencies, thank you" 
  • "Really helpful! Thank you"

Pulmonary Board Review, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) Internal Medicine Residency Program (2024-2025)

Representative Comments:

  • "Has been my favorite board review week yet in all honesty! Thank you for being so receptive to feedback and sharing the awesome snippets of info!" 
  • "This lecture was very helpful and polling set up is ideal for learning. Thank you!"
  • "Very helpful lectures that were well paced, easy to digest, and really liked the questions"

Pulmonary Function Tests, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) Internal Medicine Residency Program (2024-2025)

Representative Comments:

  • "This was super helpful and I appreciate that content was broken down into basics and practice was not intimidating in any way."
  • "Great lecture, extremely practical and clinically useful."

  • "So extremely helpful. Please continue as is. You really helped make it more understandable at a foundational level. Would not change it."

How to Give a Chalk Talk, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) Internal Medicine Residency Program MedEd Firm (09/2024)

Representative Comments:

  • "I like the specific steps of preparation that went though, along with the worksheet."
  • "Good to ask audience for examples of good chalk talks."

  • "Loved it! Thank you for the tips"

"Mucoid Mystery", Johns Hopkins Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Grand Rounds (04/2024)

Representative Comments:

  • "Presentation was engaging, organized, and well-referenced. Answered questions well."
  • "Outstanding speaker, clear and comprehensive"
  • "Outstanding GR, beautifully illustrated and presented."

"Pneumonic Peril", Johns Hopkins Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Grand Rounds (09/2023)

Representative Comments: 

  • "Excellent professional speaking skills while remaining engaging. Knew subject matter and did not rely on slides too heavily"
  • "Showed mastery of the subject. He was well prepared, had a great slide presentation, and answered questions well."
  • "Your flow was great, with efficient cadence. You are confident, friendly, with a touch of humor at the right spots...GREAT speaker and presentation."

Pulmonary Function Tests, 3rd Year Medical Students, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHUSOM) Internal Medicine Clerkship (2022-2023)

Representative Comments: 

  • "Loved the interactivity and opportunity to go through cases!"
  • "Great pace and content! Very applicable and pragmatic!" 
  • "I thought the interaction was great. I was glad that a point was made to engage with everyone in the audience." 

Pulmonary Embolism, 2nd Year Medical Students, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHUSOM) Pulmonary Section of Organ Systems Foundations of Medicine (OSFM) Course (2020-2024)

Representative Comments:

  • "Dr. Broderick's lectures were very clear and effective. I think it is because they presented the material in a flow chart or step by step manner. So it was easy to follow the logic behind the material." 
  • "Dr. Broderick's lecture was the best in the course (at least for my learning style) - particularly the use of diagrams. Having him explain step by step why the pathophysiology works the way it does (how PE results in cardiac problems, etc.) was very effective in helping me understand the material as opposed to just memorizing an effect, and the diagram gave me a visual that was easy to remember." 
  • "He did a great job with stepwise explanations tailored to our level of understanding and made small group a comfortable place to learn." 

AutoPEEP, Johns Hopkins Cardiovascular Surgical ICU (03/2023)

Representative Comments: 

  • "Great job explaining the origin and application of an important for listeners at all levels"
  • "Fantastic talk. Clearly a gifted lecturer and teacher. I am much more confident that I'll be able to identify and address autoPEEP having attended this talk."

Pulmonary Physiology & Pathophysiology, Human Genetics and Genomics (HGG) Graduate Program, Johns Hopkins McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine (09/2022)

Representative Comments:

  • "Very cool stuff! Love the pace. Not over or under whelming in any way." 
  • "Great lectures. Presented material super clearly and fostered great discussions." 
  • "One of the best presenters we've had in this whole program."